Fotoğrafçı Lana Sator Rusya’yı Geziyor ve Sovyet Sonrası Döneminden Kalanları Fotoğraflıyor

Fotoğrafçı Lana Sator, terk edilmiş yerleri bulmak için Rusya’yı dolaşıyor. Endüstri turizmine ve Sovyet mimarisine adadığı Instagram’ı şimdiden etkileyici bir izleyici kitlesinin ilgisine mazhar oldu.

Sator’un gezip fotoğrafladı yerler arasında; sanat mekanları, evler, bahçeler, limanlar, okullar, eski kurum binaları, roketlerin inşa edildiği ve nükleer enerjinin depolandığı yerler, terk edilmiş sığınaklar, bomba sığınakları, karaya oturmuş gemiler vb. var Ve bunlar, şehir kaşifi Lana Sator’un kaçınılmaz olarak kendisini içine çektiğini bulduğu yerler.

Lana, Moskova’da yaşıyor ve 10 yıldan fazla bir süredir Rusya’nın en gizli terk edilmiş alanlarına ve binalarına sızıyor. Genellikle “urbex” olarak anılan bu “kentsel keşif” eylemi, izinsiz özel mülke girmeyi içerir ve Rusya’da yasa dışıdır. Ama Lana için bu bir hobi ve perdenin arkasına bakmanın ve ülkenin eşsiz ve esrarengiz tarihinin üstündeki kapağı kaldırmanın bir yolu.

Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era
Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era

Instagram, vice
